“And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.” – Mark 16:15
Cliff & Shannon Wadsworth – Auckland, New Zealand
Pastor Cliff grew up in Otara, South Auckland. He was exposed to street gangs and violence from a very young age. Cliff lost his father when he was 6 and his mother when he was 14 years of age. He came to know the Lord at 16 years of age after a friend invited him to a youth group. Not too long after that, he surrendered to full time ministry and spent five years in Bible College training to one day be a pastor. He married Shannon in 2003. In 2005 God used them to begin the Cornerstone Baptist Church. Cliff and Shannon have 2 children, Judayah and Jordan. Cornerstone Baptist Church continues to impact it’s community for Christ and strives to make disciples of Jesus Christ.
Kenneth & Cynthia Chapman – Australia
Ken and Cyndi were approved as World Baptist Fellowship missionaries in August, 1995. Their field of service is Australia. Ken was saved at the age of 19 in 1976 and during a youth camp of that same year he dedicated his life to the Lord for full time service. Cyndi was saved in April, 1977. She and Ken had worked in youth ministries since 1981. Their children are Joy, Caleb and Faith.
Mark & Dana McCutchen – Brazil
In 1990 Mark and Dana were approved as World Baptist Fellowship missionaries to Brazil where they served one term. After that time, they served for one term in New Zealand. They have now returned to Brazil. Mark was led to Christ by his father when he was thirteen years old. Dana was saved in church at age fourteen. Mark and Dana were married in 1980 and have two grown children, Shaunna and Justin.
Noel & Glenda Morales – Philippines
Pastor Noel R. Morales was raised in Sunday school in a remote town in Apayao, Philippines. He came to know the Lord Jesus as his Lord and Saviour at the age of 16 when a Baptist lady shared the gospel with him. Pastor Morales graduated from the Baptist Evangelistic Institute in Ilocos Norte in 1991. He was called to pastor Bible Baptist Church-Baay, Batac City in the same year when the pioneer pastor moved to Hawaii for health and age reasons. As he pastors this church, it has already started one church and a mission which turns two years on July 20, 2014. He spearheads the soul-winning endeavor of the church. Happily married to formerly known as Miss Glenda C. Alipio of Batac City, they are blessed with two children, Abigail 18 years old and Gener Neilson 16 years of age.
Thomas & Kannika Tucker – Thailand
Thomas was approved as a World Baptist Fellowship missionary to Thailand in 1987. He was saved at the Bethel Baptist Church of Arlington, Texas when he was a senior in high school. On September 2001 he was married to Kannika in the country of Thailand. In 2007 Austin was adopted into the family.
Josh Sklenars – Wellington, New Zealand
Joshua Sklenars (black shirt) is a full time missionary serving with Tandem Ministries, the New Zealand branch of Campus Crusade for Christ International. This year, he will be continuing with the university student ministry, Student Life, helping to share the Gospel with university students. He became a Christian in his first year of university when a Student Life staff member told him he could have a personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ. He has since been on Student Life mission projects to Nelson and Fiji, which developed his heart for evangelism, and has done an internship with Student Life, which has led him to doing ministry full time. University students are making important decisions about their lives and people need to be there to share the gospel. Discipleship is the key because students not only need to hear the Gospel, but they also need to be discipled to become workers for the harvest. University students are the leaders of tomorrow and if they can be impacted now with the Gospel, they will reach the world tomorrow.
Jaques & Marie Alexandres – Haiti
Jaques and Marie were approved as World Baptist Fellowship missionaries to the country of Haiti in August 2008.Jacques and Marie were both saved in 1975 at the City Baptist Church in Port-au-Prince, Haiti. Jacques graduated from Arlington Baptist College in 1988. Marie graduated from nursing school in 1978 and attended Arlington Baptist College.They have been church planting missionaries for 19 years in Haiti. The Alexandres have five grown children: Alexandra Vanessa, Gemima, Joelle, Dominique and Jacques.